Hurray Elm

We have a baby! On January 30th, a second prototype tree-buoy was launched in…

It’s true, we are 10 years old!

A milestone! This year we’re celebrating our anniversary. On January 5th we…


HEMA asked Arno Coenen and Iris Roskam to design a new school collection. Under…

The universe has been found

The neon letters ‘Heelal’ (universe) had disappeared without a trace, but they…

Iconic Julhouette

Jules Deelder doesn't need an introduction, but alright: the legendary writer,…

Deelder's philosophical art revealed

Another Jules Deelder initiative. Because of him it's fun to get stuck in a…

Хрустальная люстра

That's right, Mothership goes international! For a private Russian client,…

Twisted fairy tales

Under the 1,5% scheme, young artist Margriet van Breevoort was asked to design…

Happy Holidays!

2014 was a very good year for Mothership, one of the highlights being the much…

Jeroen Everaert earns Laurenspenning!

We are very proud of our Jeroen! On the 28th of October, he received the…