Your text or picture from on high

DRTV invites artists, illustrators, writers, journalists, Rotterdammers on general and visitors to the city to join in submitting images or texts on the theme…

Threesome fights AIDS creatively

The organizers of World Aids Day Rotterdam called on Threesome to find a creative concept for getting Rotterdammers to pause and become more aware of AIDS.…

Searching for really fabulous gifts for under the (ARTificial) tree?

Then scoot right down to The House of ABABA so you can celebrate the final holidays of 2013 in style. In our treasure house you can also find the 2014 Big…

Let's go dancing in 2014

Reserve Friday evening, 17 January, 2014, for a real Rotterdam evening out!

In closing, Mothership wishes you a Merry Chirstmouse 2013!!

We are closed from 23 december until 5 january 2014

Enlightened poem

The text of the Light Poem by Ester Naomi Perquin has been installed around one of the columns in front of North Station in Rotterdam. The design for this poem…

Controversial artwork 2 Brüder almost ready

There was much to be said about the artwork of Arno Coenen that will be placed on the De Beerendonck roundabout. The German orientated supermarket Die 2 Brüder…


As the new Markthal in Rotterdam is taking shape, the time for finishing touches is getting ever closer. Presently fitters are at work assembling a 'jigsaw…

Legend tunnel

In the competition organized by the district councils of Rotterdam North and Hillegersberg-Schiebroek, Threesome produced the winning project plan for…

Legendary tunnel

Threesome I wrote the winning project plan for beautifying the 'Muizengaatje' (mouse hole) underpass, connecting the Noord and Hillegersberg-Schiebroek…